Creating small inline charts in your web pages

Posted by Darwin Biler on April 29, 2013

If you are using WordPress, you might notice this cute little graph in top toolbar of your WordPress site. There are also other websites that is using this little graphs to indicate activity and other data that needs to be not so detailed and just displays a quick glance of the variation of the data involved.


This very small inline charts are technically called Sparklines

A sparkline is a very small line chart, typically drawn without axes or coordinates. It presents the general shape of the variation (typically over time) in some measurement, such as temperature or stock market price, in a simple and highly condensed way.

For us developers, we can embed this in our web pages by using this jQuery Plugin and it is really very easy to use.
You can find many demos on the site itself and it is guaranteed to be really useful in your web application projects.

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